I’m So Glad That You Are Here!

Hello everyone!
Welcome to Leaving Lesser, a bible study blog on leaving the lesser version of yourself to become greater in Christ! My name is Nadene and I am a wife and stay at home mother of 2. I am very blessed to have this opportunity to share God’s word with you today. I feel as if God has been working in my life and has been leading me to spread his word with as many people as I possibly can. I am not very good at public speaking so I thought maybe using literature would be a better way for me to lead others (and myself) closer to God. Now, I’m not a scholar by any means and I absolutely do not know everything about The Bible, but I do know that I should share what God has lead me to share. Mark 16:15 KJV says, “And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Now of course I wasn’t one of Jesus’ disciples but I do love Him and I know that He has, without a doubt, changed my life and performed many miracles within it. That being said, I feel a calling to tell everyone about Him and how He can change their life as well! Even if this blog leads just one person closer to Jesus, I will still consider it a success with glory to God!
Now, back to the reason why I chose Leaving Lesser as the name of this blog. I said a little prayer for God to lead me to a name that would be well suited for the purpose of this blog and Leaving Lesser is what He placed on my heart. I love the song “More of You” by Hillsong and a verse in that song states “Jesus, Jesus, I need more of You and less of me.” I love that! More of Jesus and less of me! To me this means that I need to lay aside my wants, my plans, and who I think that I need to be and try my best to be more like Jesus. To love like Jesus, to disciple like Jesus, to give and forgive like Jesus, to praise God like Jesus. Of course, I am not Jesus and will never, ever, even come close to being like Jesus but, I should strive to be more like Him each and every day. I need to leave behind who I was (the outcast, anxious, depressed, selfish, broken, lesser person) to become who God wants me to be, (loved, happy, forgiven, selfless, grateful, whole) greater in Christ. John 3:30 KJV says, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” meaning that Jesus must be exalted above all else within your life: above your work, your relationships, your home, yourself, and everything else. God is EVERYTHING! He is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the light and the truth, the greatest there ever was and ever will be! I feel it necessary to study His word and learn as much about Him as I can. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, what you’ve done, God loves you! No matter how hard it is to believe, God loves YOU! He loves the outcast, disabled, sick, anxious, depressed, drug addict, alcoholic, sinner, whatever it is that you are and He wants to take your life and give it joy, peace, forgiveness, love, hope, and healing! How incredible! All you have to do is answer His call, repent of your sins, and accept Him into your life! He is there, He is waiting for you to leave the lesser you and become greater in Him. Please join me on this journey of Leaving Lesser and becoming greater in Christ!

       ~ Love and prayers, Nadene